Self Test for a Selfless Life

January 28, 2021 5:25 PM
Did you happen to catch Pastor Kyle’s sermon? He had seven questions on the
Painful Pride test. Then he had another test for humility. Take the test and see how
you do:

Pride test:
1. Am I upset if I’m not praised or appreciated for my work?
2. Do I like or even long to sit at the head of the table or place of honor?
3. Do I seek credit for work others have done?
4. Do honorary titles pump me up?
5. Is popularity crucial to my self-worth?
6. Am I a name dropper of someone I know or pretend to know?
7. Do I think I have something valuable to say about almost everything?

Humility test: 1. Do you hear needs from others in your circle? 2. Are you using the Spirit when making decisions? 3. Have you met someone’s needs recently? 4. Does the thought of risk, uncertainty, or awkwardness prevent you from making decisions? 5. Do your emotions (especially anger or fear) run wild when someone makes a decision you didn’t expect? 6. When deciding where to spend your time, do you always look for an ROI (return on investment)? How did you do?

When I took the pride test, I was pleased that I passed five of these questions with flying colors, but what about the other two? Isn’t it “prideful” for me to focus on what I’m doing right and ignore the wrongs? When I did the humility test, I “prided” myself for all the things I did right, but isn’t that what the Pharisees did? They were willing to let everyone know about their goodness and charity, but they were unwilling to admit their faults. None of us want to be like the Pharisees. As I re-examined these questions, I wondered what my answers would be if each question added the phrase “. . . 100% of the time”? Probably a big fat zero. As human beings, we all struggle with pride. Over the years, I’ve learned the importance of self-examination. It’s the key to growing and becoming all God intended me to be. These questions are a great start to self-examination. I John 1:8-9 says, “If we say we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves.” It also says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” As you examine yourself, don’t beat yourself up. God loves you and wants to forgive you. Self-examination is like taking a shower after a long camping trip. It feels good. Time to clean up.