Mark, #5: 2:1-12

October 26, 2020
2020 has not been the grand vision everyone had hoped. Further, we seem more divided than ever by words. Some of this division comes from letting lesser figures of authority define who we are and what we should be about. In Mark's account of Jesus' life, we learn who Jesus is, not so much from what he says as from what he does. In a world driven by talk, Mark will challenge us to be a people of action. Mark hopes to influence you by showing Jesus and people’s reaction to him. Together, we will listen and respond to Jesus.

6:47 - Welcome to Generations 7:31 - Majestic 12:28 - This is Amazing Grace 17:20 - See A Victory 23:30 - I Surrender All 28:26 - Connect + Scripture Reading 35:51 - Teaching 46:68 - Response 51:00 - Blessed Be Your Name 55:40 - Closing Announcements


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